Saturday, September 20, 2014

An Introduction

As you can probably tell from the existence of this blog, I have decided to start a blog. I am not exactly new to the blogosphere since I've been blogging on Read. Write. Ramble. for the past almost-four years. That blog, however, was an entirely different experience. Is an entirely different experience. I haven't given up on it yet! But it's a book blog, and book blogs have certain unwritten rules that one must follow. Also, it's a blog with multiple bloggers. I share blogging space with a co-blogger (well, now two co-bloggers) and I have learned that perhaps working with your best friend or friends isn't such a good idea after all. Nevertheless, I enjoy blogging about books, but I also want to venture outside of the book-blog, co-blogger world. So that's where this blog comes in.

At this point, I'm not exactly sure what I want this blog to be. All I know is that I have a strong desire to express myself in a space where I feel completely free, and Read. Write. Ramble. is simply not that place for me. This blog might become a lifestyle blog where I write long, rambling, slightly boring posts about my long, rambling, slightly boring life. Or it might become a blog where I share my writing, since I am a young writer itching for places to share my writing.

Mostly, I want this blog to be me. And since I'm a complex, multi-faceted individual, I think it's perfectly fine if my blog is kind of a mess. It might turn into a place for me to share anything I feel like sharing, whether or not people actually want to read it. And if people don't want to read anything I put up here, that's fine with me. This blog is more about me than anyone else. I've created it for my own selfish reasons.

My goal, I think, is to make this blog somehow different from all my other social medias and internet things. Here is a place where I won't be bound by character limits or square dimensions or even my limited patience with video editing. (Speaking of which, please follow my Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube channel.) I want this blog to be the place where I can go to spill everything I need to spill. I hope that with a fresh audience (or, more realistically, no audience) I can feel more freedom on the internet, a place that hasn't felt free to me in a long time.

So, here I am. This blog is very new, and I'm sure it will undergo a thousand little changes before I settle on something permanent. The design will probably never be something I'm proud of since I have no idea how to design a blog, but it'll do. I'm looking forward to seeing where this blog takes me, and I hope it takes me somewhere good.

If you'd like to follow this blog and come along for the ride, I would greatly appreciate it. I can't promise it will be a fun--or even interesting--ride, but I guess we'll see how this goes.


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